Women's Health 2015:
The 23rd Annual Congress

Women's Health 2014: The 22nd Annual Congress

April 4-6, 2014
Grand Hyatt • Washington, DC


Register Now for the 2014 Congress


Join today and save with membership
and early bird discounts

Save up to $200 on Congress registration—join the Academy HERE.

Once you join you will receive an email with details about membership benefits including confirmation to register for the Congress at the member rate. You must join (or renew) for 2014 Membership prior to registering at the member rate. In addition to deeply discounted Congress rates, members receive a free online subscription to the Journal of Women's Health (over a $450 value) and many other benefits. Learn about the benefits on the Academy website and join or renew your membership TODAY.

Academy of Women's Health Members
(by December 5th)

Regular Rate
(after December 5th)
Physician/PhD/Policymaker/Industry Professional $500 $595
Nurse/Allied Health Professional $360 $430
Student/Intern/Resident $195 $245
(by December 5th)

Regular Rate
(after December 5th)
Physician/PhD/Policymaker/Industry Professional $695 $800
Nurse/Allied Health Professional $495 $595
Student/Intern/Resident $345 $415

Cancellation Policy: Written cancellations received prior to February 1, 2014 will receive a refund minus an administrative charge of $100. Cancellation after this date is non-refundable; however, substitutions from the same company are welcomed. If for any reason this conference is cancelled, Academy of Women's Health is not responsible for covering airfare, hotel, or other costs incurred by conference registrants.